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Empowering digital growth: We drive digital transformation and develop tech tools
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BøthOfUs funds 6 startups/SMEs to empower with revenue growth and digital technology grants covering up to 50% of costs for development & design (Commitment fee required)
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Providing youth job readiness programs, competency development program on digital sector
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Who we collaborate with


Public & Private partnership (PPP)
Public institutions ( Ministries, Embassies, Judicial, Health)
HEI ( Higher education institutions) & VET ( Vocational schools)
Private Institutions ( Digitalisation & Innovation)
International Agencies (Ex: UN, Common wealth, SAHEL, AU,EU)
Civil society, CBO (Community Based Organisation) Youth Organisation, Agri coops

What we do

BøthOfUs EU & UN funded programs on

Creating world peace using digitalisation, innovation & technology
Building/Enhancing innovation ecosystem
Capacity development on digital and innovation
Skills development for youth on digital, soft skills.
Digitalisation - Web, mobile tools and design creation
Advocacy for international collaboration


Case Study :
Capacity, skills development on digital skills for youth and women led organisations in 6 countries.

Connecting youth organisations and city leaders for better policy and decision making. 

BøthOfUs co-designed and co-led the project as partners using technology and story telling. 

BøthOfUs in News & Media

BøthOfUs in CNN news
BøthOfUs in The Guardian newspaper
BøthOfUs in Botswana business daily
BøthOfUs in DMEA, Germany
BøthOfUs in Italian News paper
BøthOfUs in Tunisian News
BøthOfUs in United Nations.,Kenya
BøthOfUs in Start Green Germany
BøthOfUs in Solar Impulse Foundation
BøthOfUs in EU startups
BøthOfUs in Cleantech of startup india
Make Positive business

BøthOfUs created social impact together with


Do you want to be our country partner ?

We believe in having local people for local market, Do you want to be our country partner or regional partner ? 

Do you have time to bring change to your country and society ?